By Katie Browning, Certified Herbalist

Lady's Mantle Herb
Lady's Mantle, Alchemilla vulgaris


Parts used
Aerial leaves and flowers

Medicinal Properties
Known in ancient times as the philosopher or alchemist's herb, the fresh plant exudes a dew that was thought to be used in alchemy preparations (hence its Latin name which translates as "little alchemist"). Alchemilla's main actions are astringent, haemostatic (blood coagulating), anti-inflammatory, diuretic, emmenagogue (uterine stimulating), nervine, and vulnerary (skin healing).

Lady's Mantle truly shines as a remedy for the female reproductive system. It tones the uterus and is specific for aiding in excessive menstrual bleeding, hemorrhage, post-partum bleeding and break-out bleeding during menopause. It has traditionally been used to relieve endometriosis and painful periods, irregular bleeding, fibroids and cysts. I also have personally experienced its magic in helping to "regulate" what is out of balance in the menstrual cycle. Alchemilla is known to be a phenomenal remedy for post-surgery, abortion, miscarriage, or other trauma to the uterus. Its nervine qualities can help the nervous system relax and recover from emotional distress. It is also traditionally used in fertility blends that are specific for conception after uterine trauma. It can be used in the last few weeks of pregnancy to tone and prepare the tissues for birth, aid contractions, and prevent hemorrhage. However, it is contra-indicated in pregnancy otherwise. Lady's Mantle energetically helps a woman be in her full power and offers a protective quality to soothe her spirit.

In the digestive system, Alchemilla works as an astringent and anti-inflammatory to tighten and help soothe irritated tissues and membranes. It can be helpful for gastritis, colitis, diarrhea, healing tissues after removing food allergens or other digestive disturbance. For the urinary tract, Lady's Mantle is diuretic, anti-inflammatory and astringent aiding issues such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and other genito-urinary disorders. Throughout history, it has been used externally to speed the healing of wounds as well as dry and soothe "damp" issues in the joints and nerves such as gout, arthritis and sciatica. As a wash it can be used for vaginitis and to tone breast tissues.

Preparations & Applications

Use approximately 1 Tablespoon per 1 cup of water and steep 10 + minutes.

15-30 drops 2-3 x per day; use 5 drops as needed for more emotional or energetic support.

For a wash, make a strong infusion (as tea above but let steep at least 30 min).

Re-Balance Blend
This blend can be used after abortion, miscarriage, post-partum, or for excessive menstrual or menopausal bleeding.
2 parts Lady's Mantle
2 parts Raspberry Leaf
1 part Rose Hips
1/2 part Yarrow
1/2 part Roses
Use 1 Tablespoon of tea per 1 cup water and steep covered for 15 min. Drink 2 + times per day or as needed for at least 2 weeks.

The Complete Herbal Tutor by Anne McIntyre
The Book of Herbal Wisdom by Matthew Wood